In 2006, CHEERS Charity Scotland, our Partner Charity was established with the aim of raising funds and resources from Scotland to support and expand the existing library as well as to establish new libraries in other identified deprived areas. This idea developed from past support from Scotland; a generous donation of 4000 books , toys and video tapes collected by Mr. and Mrs. Allan Burns, from the Paisley Libraries and schools in Glasgow.

The establishment of CHEERS Charity Scotland brought tremendous success to CHEERS. In order to realize all our objectives, various activities were undertaken by Trustees and Volunteers throughout the year: These included collection of books, computers, toys and equipment from schools and libraries; giving of talks in schools to raise the awareness of children on activities of the charity among many others.

A generous award from Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland to our newly established charity contributed immensely to a very successful start. This facilitated the refurbishment of the existing library in Ghana as well as the purchase and shipment of two forty- footer containers filled with books computers, furniture, toys and equipment to Ghana to restock the existing library and for upcoming libraries.   The average daily attendance of the Madina Library increased from 15 to 85 and the book stock to 10,000. We have  over the years had support from Scotland in donations of books, toys , stationery and cash donations, as well as visits from Volunteers.

Our Trustees

Mrs Phyllis Ampomah
Dr. Tom Watson
Mrs Janette Burns
Dr. Martyn Webster
Jennifer Burns
Mr. Allan Burns
Dr Opoku Ware Ampomah

A Fundraising Tea Party in Glasgow by the Caldwell Parish

Fundraising at Lilia’s Day in Kilbarchan

We have  over the years had support from Scotland in donations of books, toys , stationary and cash donations, as well as visits from Volunteers.


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